Rafael Aguinaga

Rafael Aguinaga was born with a beard in a rather simple part of Texas. Though he was raised by the crust of nature and the big blue open sky above, he eventually discovered the indoors and the warmth emitted from a quality CRT monitor. From the moment he “got mail,” he knew that everything in his world would change and that he would never have to go to a mall to purchase pants ever again.

Rafael, all-star high school wide-receiver/long-jumper/cross-country 5k’er/tennis champion, dropped jaws with the announcement that he would depart his small town to pursue the arts. He was leaving his home a two-dimensional boy, but would conquer the city as a three-dimensional man.

If there is one thing Rafael values more than quality woodworking and his replica Master Sword, it would be loyalty. He currently works for Adcetera, who has been feeding him work and chili for almost nine years. Nine years of amazing opportunities and projects. His work has won numerous awards and recognition over the years and he has consistently taken on more responsibility and new positions within the company. Today, he is Rafael Aguinaga: 3D Motion Director.

Rafael resides in Houston, Texas with his dog, his lady, and a fire in his belly that hungers for pixels in motion.